Package mandala.rami.impl

Contains all classes related to Reflective Asynchronous Method Invocation.


Interface Summary
AsynchronousPolicy This interface defines the policy given to asynchronous method invocation.
AsynchronousPolicyFactory This interface defines the factory which gives AsynchronousPolicy when creating AsynchronousReferenceImpl object.
ConcurrentSemantic This interface serves only to identify asynchonous policies which implement a concurrent semantic.
FutureFactory This interface defines a factory used by AsynchronousReferenceImpl to create future object.
FutureFactory.FutureComponents A FutureComponents object wraps both side of a future object : the client side and the server side.
SingleThreadedSemantic This interface serves only to identify asynchonous policies which implement a non-concurrent single-threaded semantic.

Class Summary
AbstractARImplFactory This abstract class provides all the necessary method to customize the CallbackManager and the FutureFactory used when creating AsynchronousReference implementation instances which depends on FutureFactory objects as AsynchronousReferenceImpl and StoredObjectReference.
ARFactory This factory creates AsynchronousReferenceImpl instances.
AsynchronousReferenceImpl Implementation of the AsynchronousReference interface.
AsynchronousReferencePairImpl Direct implementation of the AsynchronousReferencePair class.
BasicFutureFactory Basic implementation of the FutureFactory interface.
CallbackList Provides a list of Callback seen as a unique Callback.
CallbackListeners This implementation of the Callback interface provides event driven progamming style.
CallbackManagerImpl Implementation of the CallbackManager interface.
EmptyCallback Empty implementation of the Callback interface.
FifoAPFactory Unshared fifo asynchronous policy factory.
FifoPolicy Single-threaded, FIFO implementation of the AsynchronousPolicy interface.
InterrupterCallback This implementation of the Callback interface provides the earlier warning mechanism.
ListAsynchronousPolicy Abstract implementation of the SingleThreadedSemantic backed by a List which stores asynchronous methods invocation request.
MethodInvoker Implements the reflexive method invocation mechanism.
RandomAPFactory Unshared random asynchronous policy factory.
RandomPolicy Single-threaded, random implementation of the AsynchronousPolicy interface.
ResultsGrouper Groups asynchronous method invocation results.
SharedAPFactory Shared asynchronous policy factory.
SynchronousSemantic Synchronous implementation of the AsynchronousPolicy interface.
SyslogCallback This implementation of the Callback interface is intended for debugging purpose.
ThreadedAPFactory Shared threaded asynchronous policy factory.
ThreadedPolicy Concurrent, threaded implementation of the AsynchronousPolicy interface.
ThreadPooledAPFactory Shared thread-pooled asynchronous policy factory.
ThreadPooledPolicy Concurrent, thredpooled implementation of the AsynchronousPolicy interface.

Package mandala.rami.impl Description

Contains all classes related to Reflective Asynchronous Method Invocation.

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